Neither the Kingdom of Babkha, nor any of the parties who supply information to the system, make any warranty or representation concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information found on or exchanged through the system. The Kingdom of Babkha, and all parties who supply information through the system, disclaim any and all warranties or representations, express or implied for the use of the system or the use, accuracy or completeness of any materials or information on the system, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

By proceeding to the information beyond this notice, each user waives any and all claims relating to the usage of material or information made available through the system, whether such claims are against the Kingdom of Babkha or any other person who has supplied material or information to the system. In no event shall the Kingdom of Babkha, or any parties supplying information through the system be liable for any incidental or consequential damages.

Also, by proceeding to the information beyond this notice, each user agrees to assume all risks associated with the use of the system and to waive all claims against the Kingdom of Babkha or any party supplying material or information through the system, including risk of any computer, software or data being damaged by any virus that might be transmitted or activated via the system or your access of it.

If you do not accept these terms, you must exit this system immediately.
